AI Speech Coach

Demo of Speechcoach in action

Your personal speech coach

Speechcoach uses AI to analyze your speech and provide you actionable insights for improvement.

It listens to you answer a question, then directly compares you to a model speaker. It shows you how your speaking pace, answer structure, and many other factors compare to your reference model.


For learning in general, I've found the most effective way to increase the pace of learning is feedback — the more specific and more realtime the better.

In trying to improve my speaking skills, I would just record myself talk and play it back to myself. This is useful, but could be better. Everyone has someone they look up to as a speech role model, so I knew getting realtime feedback on how to talk more like a reference model would be a powerful tool.

The code is open source and available on GitHub.

Start by setting a question and recording your own answer to the question
Start by setting a question and recording your own answer to the question
Speech analysis dashboard
Speech analysis dashboard